The Ashby-de-la-Zouch & District Probus Club is a friendship club for retired gentlemen. We hold regular meetings with talks from speakers on a variety of topics and enjoy lunch together, organise social events visiting local places of interest, hold formal dinners to which partners and members from nearby clubs are invited and participate in joint activities with sister PROBUS clubs.
Forthcoming Events
3rd March – BBC Top Gear & Train Scene by Bill Devitt
7th April – Annual General Meeting & Restored Canals and Waterways by John Roddis
10th April – Spring Lunch at Lingdale Golf Club
12th May – The competitive world world of a Wimbledon Ballboy/girl by Angela Edwards
JOINT ACTIVITIES WITH LOCAL CLUBS – We typically participate in activities annually with a couple of local clubs. Events have included a Garden Party in the grounds of a local church, a CROQUET competition including lunch and a QUIZ night with buffet supper.
Further Information about Us:
We meet at the Beeches restaurant and hotel Burton Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch LE65 2LP 10:30 am, usually the first Monday of each month. If you would like to learn more, please contact: