Club contact: Bernard Self
email: bernardself@icloud.com
Centred on the historic city of Canterbury, the club meets twice every month. On the second Thursday, we have a coffee morning at 10.30 am, followed by a lecture from a visiting speaker. This takes place at the Kent and Canterbury Club, which is near the centre of the city. On the fourth Thursday, we have a lunch at The Marine Hotel, Tankerton (12.30 pm for 1.00 pm). The hotel, which has been extensively refurbished, is situated on Tankerton Slopes and affords magnificent views over the Thames Estuary.
We have cordial relations with our neighbouring Probus clubs. In October 2018 we hosted the annual East Kent Probus Clubs luncheon and welcomed members from the other Probus Clubs in East Kent.
The club stopped meeting once the Covid pandemic started and only resumed the lunches in October 2021. The coffee morning meetings have now started again.
Sadly we lost a number of members during the pandemic and our membership is at an all time low. There are unfilled vacancies on the committee so the club’s viability is uncertain unless we can get an influx of new members very soon. With that in mind it was decided to invite ladies to become full members from April 2023 – this decision to be ratified at a Special General Meeting on April 13th 2023, and the club rules amended accordingly.
We are a friendly club, and new members of both sexes are most welcome. If you are interested in joining us please contact the Secretary, Bernard Self, at the above email address.