Coffee Mornings Stewards List 2025

Please arrive by 10.15am

January 17th Stuart McRae and Grahame Mountford
February 14th Mick Muggridge and Ron Fox
March 14th Mary Anne Pitt and Doug Read
April 11th John Rogers and Brian Sanders
May 09th Jeremy Secker and Richard Smith
June 13th Rick Smithson and Jenny Taylor
July 11th Paul Tubby and Mark Vincent
August 8th Robert Wilson and Roland Benstead
September 12th James Bradley and Kitty Brook
October 10th Adrian Cowley and Tony Crouch
November 14th Terry Donovan and Stuart Dove

Stewards please record attendance at Coffee Mornings and collect £4 per person for coffee and Speaker. Sell raffle tickets and take bookings for the next lunch. If a Steward is unable to attend please will he/she arrange a mutual exchange, and then notify the Secretary.