Coffee Mornings Stewards List 2024

Please arrive by 10.15am

January 19th Roland Benstead & Mark Vincent
March 8th Harry Clark and Adrian Cowley
April 12th Tony Crouch and Terry Donovan
May 10th Stuart Dove and Roy Entwistle
June 14th Ron Fox and John Goodman
July 12th Rosemary Heddle and Brian Hardinge
August 9th Joy Hardinge and John Hardie
September 13th Jill Hopwood and Mike Jamieson
October 11th Gill Jefferson and Johnny Jenkins
November 8th Lester Kennedy and Don Knight

Stewards please record attendance at Coffee Mornings and collect £4 per person for coffee, raffle ticket and speaker. Also take bookings for the next lunch.  If a steward is unable to attend please will he/she arrange a mutual exchange and then notify the Secretary.