Dore (Sheffield)



Club Secretary: Nigel Reeves

Telephone: 0777 577 4575



Meeting Days and Times:

2nd & 4th Thursday in the month starting at 10.15am.

Short break for coffee or tea with biscuits at 11 a.m.

Meeting closes at 12.00


Dore Methodist Church Hall
High Street
South Yorkshire
S17 3GU
Disabled Access Details: Wheelchair Accessible; Wheelchair Accessible Toilet.

Our Club:

What do we do at Probus?

A fair question. Some people think that a Probus Club is for old fogies who like to dress up like penguins, or for husbands whose wives ease them out of the house for the morning. This is not entirely true.   Dore Probus is indeed a club for retired men, but there is nothing dull about them, and most would never admit to being at all old. The image of penguins belongs to the past: the dress code is smart casual (ties optional), and we spend a good deal of time sitting down.   Dore Probus Club is a thriving social organisation for retired men, irrespective of age, who meet to make friends and enjoy a wide range of stimulating talks.   There is also a separate organisation for the ladies, they are not abandoned.

Most of our 50 members meet twice a month (10.15 -12.00 every second and fourth Thursday) and return home refreshed from chatting to friends and entertained by listening to talks on a wide range of subjects, which recently have included history, landscapes, ornithology, trains, comedians, magic, local crimes, the health service, foreign countries, and the universe. (The talk on the universe, called ‘Lightspeed Universe’, got us round it in about 45 minutes, plus a break for coffee.)

We also have at least two meals at the Silver Plate Restaurant (Sheffield College), plus a Christmas lunch (which will again be at The Maynard in Grindleford) and a mid-summer lunch is also planned.   At these gatherings wives, partners, friends and neighbours are cordially welcomed.

If you are interested in sampling Dore Probus Club you are welcome to come along to a meeting or two, no charge.   Either join a friend, or contact the Secretary as above.

Annual subscription is £50 for 2025 for (usually) 23 meetings, and includes tea or coffee and biscuits at every meeting.

Program of Talks:

To August 2025

13 February – CANCELLED due to building works in the hall.

27 February – Some Old & Historical Buildings of Sheffield (after 10.00 Start for the AGM)

13 March – Doncaster Rover                                                                

27 March – Does the Criminal Justice System Work?                                     

10 April – The Curious World of Old Time Punishment                                                 

24 April– Treatment of repatriated soldiers in Sheffield in WW1

8 May – Amazing Space

22 May – Keep the Gas Fires Burning

12 June – Andrew Carnegie: America in the Gilded Age

26 June – A Spicy Tale

10 July – Yorkshire: Land of Ice and Water

24 July – Evolution or Revolution?

14 August – History of the Far Eastern Motor industry

28 August – Travels in Botswana and Brazil

And on March 20th, 12.00 for 12.30 a lunch at the Silver Plate Restaurant