Hawick and District

Past President David Weir handing over Chain of Office to 2025 President Ray Chlopas.

Hawick & District Probus Club top-table at the AGM and Scots Lunch on 25th January 2025. Left to right: Alex Bell (Secretary), Ray Chlopas (President), Robert Scott (Treasurer).

Hawick & District Probus Club at the AGM and Scots Lunch on 25th January 2025.



Hawick & District Probus Club Christmas lunch 2024

Hawick and District Probus Club Christmas Lunch, 12th December, 2024
  L to R: Alan Bone (Press Secretary), Jim Arnott (Programme Secretary), Robert Scott (Treasurer), Peter Seaton (Guest), Jill Seaton (Guest), Anne Bell (Guest), Alex Bell (Secretary), Ray Chlopas (Vice-President), John Scott (Guest Speaker), David Weir (Club President).

New President David Weir and Sandy McLaren

New 2024 President David Weir receiving the Chain of Office from past-President Sandy McLaren.

Hawick and District Probus Club top-table at the AGM and Scots Lunch on January 25th 2024. Left to right: Ray Chlopas (Programmes Secretary), Sandy McLaren (past-President), David Weir (President), Billy McWatters (Secretary).





Photo from left: Invited guest Oliver Gibson, Mrs Sheila McLaren, President Sandy McLaren, Border TV Presenter Gilly Fraser, Treasurer Robert Scott, Committee Member Alex Bell, Programme Secretary Ray Chlopas.

Hawick and District Probus Club enjoyed their Annual Christmas lunch on Thursday 14th December 2023. Held in the Function room at HRFC where their fortnightly meetings take place there was a packed audience to firstly listen to the speaker and then partake of a delicious meal provided as usual by Debbie Brown.
The speaker was the well known Border TV Presenter Gilly Fraser who gave an in-depth presentation of her life titled ‘Border TV and beyond’. Photo from left: Invited guest Oliver Gibson, Mrs Sheila McLaren, President Sandy McLaren, Border TV Presenter Gilly Fraser, Treasurer Robert Scott, Committee Member Alex Bell, Programme Secretary Ray Chlopas.


Hawick and District Probus Club AGM & Burns lunch, 26th January 2023
(Top Table) Presenter Mr Alan Maule, President Sandy McLaren. Programme Secretary Ray Chlopas, Secretary Billy McWatters.


Probus members enjoying the Burns lunch, 2023

Probus members enjoying the Burns lunch, 2023



Hawick and District Probus Club (Roxburghshire). Christmas Lunch 8th December 2022

L to R. Mrs Gail Swanston, Vice President Duncan Swanston, Secretary Billy McWatters, Probus member Jim Wallace, Club President Sandy McLaren, Mrs Linda Lawson (daughter of the late Bill McLaren who gave a presentation on The Bill McLaren Foundation) and Linda’s husband Alan Lawson (ex Scottish International Rugby Player).

Hawick and District

Top Table at our Christmas Lunch 9th December 2021. Left to right: Vice-President Sandy McLaren, Mrs Sheila McLaren, Speaker Ian Fraser, President Giles Passmore, Mrs Shirley Passmore, Mrs Jackie Fraser.

Hawick and District Probus Club (Roxburghshire). Members and guests enjoying Christmas Lunch in the function room of Hawick Rugby Football Club on 8th December 2022

Hawick and District Probus Club elects new President for 2022.

2022 President Sandy McLaren having received his chain of office from Past President Giles Passmore. Having resumed after a break for Covid the membership has remained steady and a number of new members have joined making it one of the most successful Probus clubs in the Scotland.


Vice-President Sandy McClaren and his wife Sheila

(2021) Vice-President Sandy McLaren and his wife Sheila.




(2021) President Giles Passmore and his wife Shirley.


Not only is Sandy McLaren our very own piper (Christmas Lunch 2021) but he is Club President for 2022.

Club contact: Albert Thompson email: albert.thompson@thompsonsbridge.co.uk


Hawick Probus Club held their AGM on Thursday 24th January 2019 and celebrated with a Scots Lunch which was well attended by the majority of the 74 club members. Retiring President Billy Anderson is seen congratulating the new President Giles Passmore, who is proudly wearing the chain of office.

2021 Vice-President Sandy McLaren is also the official piper for piping in the Haggis at the Scots Lunch.and Christmas Dinner.


Hawick and District Scots Lunch 23rd Jan 2020. Photo L to R: Sandy McLaren-Programme Convenor, Giles Passmore-President, Billy McWatters-Secretary, Robert Scott-Treasurer, Tony Wilson-Press Secretary.

Hawick and District Scots Lunch 23rd Jan 2020. Photo L to R: Sandy McLaren-Programme Convenor, Giles Passmore-President, Billy McWatters-Secretary, Robert Scott-Treasurer, Tony Wilson-Press Secretary. The Hawick and District Probus Club held their AGM on Thursday 23rd January 2020 when Giles Passmore was re-elected as President to serve another year.
The club has had another very successful year having had the services of some excellent speakers delivering on a wide variety of subjects to a steady membership of over 70 members. Following the AGM the members enjoyed a Scot’s Lunch complete with haggis, neeps and mashed potatoes. To add to the occasion the Vice President/Programme Convenor Sandy McLaren on this occasion, not only gave an enthralling presentation about his life experiences as a Police Inspector, but also piped in the Haggis.
Doubtless to say the celebrations carried on for some time!


  • Hawick and District Probus Club Xmas Lunch and meeting on 12th December 2019. Pictured L. to R. Committee member Raymond Chlopas, Guest Speaker Ian Martin, President Giles Passmore, Secretary Billy McWatters, Treasurer Robert Scott.


    Members and Guests attending the Hawick and District Probus Club Xmas Lunch on 12th December 2019 in their venue at Hawick Rugby Football Club function room. Prior to the lunch the attendees were treated to an absorbing presentation by guest speaker Ian Martin on the restoration of the centuries old Gilknockie Tower.

Hawick and District Probus Club President Giles Passmore of the Hawick and District Probus Club took advantage of the glorious Scottish Borders weather to have a photograph (below) taken after their bi-monthly meeting on 27th June 2019. Not all of the 74 members were able to be present due to holiday vacations and other activities but those who were absent missed an excellent presentation by Ron Addison, titled “Langholm Sailor”. A flourishing club with increasing membership annually, the meetings provide an excellent opportunity for a get together and to listen to a most varied and interesting programme of talented speakers.

Hawick Probus Club Christmas Lunch 13th Dec 2018
Programme Secretary Albert Thompson, President Billy Anderson and his wife Mrs Christine Anderson, Speaker Neill Brown, Vice President Giles Passmore




Hawick AGM 25th Jan 2018 New President Billy Anderson being congratulated by outgoing President Michael Braithwaite.










