Club contact: Stanley Pearson, Hon. Secretary – Email here
Web page: John Hill – Email here
The club’s COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2025-6 are:
Chairman: Paul Hargreaves
Vice Chairman: Philip Aindow
Hon. Secretary: Stanley Pearson
Hon. Treasurer: Alan Barker
Social Secretary: Pam Barrett
Luncheon Secretary: Patricia Widdall
Almoner: Brian Kemp
Speaker Finder: Paul Hargreaves
Elected members: Joe Cole, James Jackson
Ex-officio: Charles Egarr
Most of our members live in Shadwell, North Leeds, but also in surrounding towns and villages.
MEMBERSHIP is open to retired professional and business men and women.
The SUBSCRIPTION is £30.00 per annum, plus an initial joining fee of £6.00.
WE MEET usually on the third Monday of each month (except December) at 10.00 am for coffee prior to the meeting starting at 10.30 am.
VENUE: Sand Moor Golf Club, Alwoodley Lane, Leeds LS17 7DJ
INTERESTED IN JOINING? Contact Stanley Pearson our Hon Secretary by email or by phoning 0113 273 6463 for further information.
We have an interesting PROGRAMME OF SPEAKERS on a variety of subjects for the forthcoming year 2025-26:
March 17th – Neil Hanson: The Ghost Writer
April 28th – David Banks: Saving Our Heritage From Climate Change
May 19th – Peter Spedding: George Corson, architect, his life and important buildings
June 16th – Wayne Cunningham: Spinal Unit Recreational Fund
July 21st July – Rowena Moir: Nidderdale – The Glistening Dale
August 18th – Brian Joyce: Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC)
September 15th – Malcolm Brookes: Yorkshire’s Vanishing Coastline
October 27th – Professor Joyce Hill: Beneath the Streets of Rome
November 17th – Preserving Your Memories – Charting the 1960s
January 19th 2026 – John Little: Porridge, Prison Break or Britain’s Notorious Prisons
February 16th 2026 – AGM
February 16th 2026 – AGM
March 26th – Visit to Menwith Hill base. Trip now fully booked.
Club lunch at Cobble Hall 12.30 for 1.00 pm. Book through Patricia Widdall no later than 13 March.