Warwick Probus Club No 1 – Test Area for Web
Warwick 1 Probus Club
Probus Clubs provide an opportunity for men who are retired or semi-retired to attend regular meetings with like minded people who have a wide range of interests.
We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at the Old Fourpenny Shop Hotel in Crompton Street Warwick CV34 6HJ at 10am for coffee followed by a talk between 10-30 & 12pm. Many of us then settle for a good chat over lunch.
In addition to our monthly meetings, for interested members, we arrange visits, tours, theatre and concert trips and even cycle rides. For these events wives/partners are encouraged to join in.
We welcome new members. We hope that by showing who we are and what we do, new member will join us and provide continuity for the club which has continued for fifty years. Contact our Secretary Peter Hambleton Tel. 01926 338608 or a member of the committee listed below.
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Meetings held at The the Old Fourpenny Shop Hotel
Social events planned
Recent news items
Contacts- Chairman and Committee
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Meetings at the Old Fourpenny Shop Hotel-
(10 for 10-30am – Crompton Street Warwick CV34 6HJ)
20th November 2019. (Note Venue)
The Lord Leycester Hospital-
Talk presented by Heidi Mayer- Master
( See ‘Social Events planned’ for Christmas
Lunch on 18th December)
15th January 2020
Caribbean Underwater World
Talk presented by Frank Collier, a former
Member of Warwick 1
19th February 2020
Members Short Talks
18th March 2020
Annual General Meeting followed by:-
Civil Engineering
Talk presented by John Smith
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Social events planned
Social Secretary: Ian Salvin- Forthcomming events:-
- “Merrily we roll along” at the Loft Theatre on the 4th December.
- “Nutcracker” ballet at Belgrade, Coventry 14th November.
- “Halle Concert” at Warwick Arts on the 28th November.
- “Les Liasons Dangeureues” at Loft Theatre.
- “Warners Weekend” in Hereford in Spring 2020.
18 December 2019
Christmas Lunch at Kenilworth Golf Club
After dinner speaker Rev. Mervyn Roberts
‘ A Clergyman’s Capers’
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Recent News Items
(To include any items approved by Chairman/Secretary eg John Berkeley’s published reports)
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Contacts- Chairman and Committee
Chairman- Steve Nicklin. Tel 07971 786357 –
Vice Chair- Nick Pritchard Tel 01926 408646
Secretary-Peter Hambleton Tel 01926 338608
Publicity-John Berkeley Tel 01926 400203
Treasurer- Peter Jones Tel 01926 489722
Website- David Chater Tel 01926 428401