GCLP Upcoming Outings /Events

Updated  19th AUGUST 2024:     CLUB ACTIVITIES / GROUPS 

COFFEE MORNINGS:  2nd Wednesday JULY &  AUGUST at 1000H – 2025


BOOK CLUB (1): – Contact: Jean Ironside   meet at Rubislaw Church Centre, 1 Beaconsfield Place 1030H,Tuesday 10 September 2024

BOOK CLUB (2): – Contact: June Waters    meet at Kippie Lodge, Milltimber 3rd Tuesday of the month

THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB: – Contact: Elaine Anderson –  last of the month restarts on Thursday 26 September 2024

MAH JONG: – Contact: Barbara 077879 891276  Email: barbaramarshall2@gmail.com  – 1st Wed of the month, Curl Aberdeen Viewing Gallery 1000-1200H.  Fees £48 Sept – May. Tea/Coffee biscuits served at 1100H.  Standard & Progressive rules printouts available (also sent by email to members).  New members welcome!   Annual Lunch and of session in June 2025.  START of 2024-2025 Session is 4th September 2024


The next Granite City Ladies Probus Stroller / Walk will be at Hazlehead Park at 10.30am sharp on Wednesday 21st August 2024, meeting outside the Park Cafe.   Please remember that everybody is responsible for themselves.  Look forward to seeing all that turn up on the day!    Kind regards – Fiona



PHOTOS: 5th July 2023 1230H at A MUSE Michelin** Restaurant, Set 2 Course lunch:  What a great afternoon, convivial atmosphere and excellent food.


BRIDGE:  disbanded  – Convenor required !!  Contact: Joyce


Photos published with permission of members

AGM 2022 Committee: Past President retiring, new ordinary member joining

GCLP Committee 2022

AGM 2021 at the Marcliffe Hotel  (see our PHOTO GALLERY page)

Granite City Ladies Probus

The GCLP Committee 2020-2021

GCLP Committee 2021-2022


N.B. OUTINGS: Please note FINAL sign-up and payment means that the outing/event has to be paid upfront the next day.  Therefore, no refund possible after firm booking paid for any outing.  You may arrange for another member to take your place and ask them to pay you

Outings: Committee Members are to share this task.  Therefore whoever is organising the outing will be your contact for sign-up and payment.