Please arrive by 10.15am
January 17th | Stuart McRae and Grahame Mountford |
February 14th | Mick Muggridge and Ron Fox |
March 14th | Mary Anne Pitt and Doug Read |
April 11th | John Rogers and Brian Sanders |
May 09th | Jeremy Secker and Richard Smith |
June 13th | Rick Smithson and Jenny Taylor |
July 11th | Paul Tubby and Mark Vincent |
August 8th | Robert Wilson and Roland Benstead |
September 12th | James Bradley and Kitty Brook |
October 10th | Adrian Cowley and Tony Crouch |
November 14th | Terry Donovan and Stuart Dove |
Stewards please record attendance at Coffee Mornings and collect £4 per person for coffee and Speaker. Sell raffle tickets and take bookings for the next lunch. If a Steward is unable to attend please will he/she arrange a mutual exchange, and then notify the Secretary.