St Neots Social Events 2019


Friendly, Like-minded and Local”

Club Secretary Contact:



The Club 2019 Social Calendar kicked off with a visit to the National Trust Anglesey Abbey on Wednesday 13 February to see the snowdrops and visit the house, which contains a unique collection of clocks amongst other notable items.  The weather was extremely spring like with blue skies and sunshine the order of the day.


The Club got its food events off the ground with the Spring Buffet Lunch on Wednesday 27th March in the Bower Room of the St Neots Conservative Club.  Members were treated to a succulent selection of meats and a vast array of vegetables provided by Kevin and his staff.  There was as usual a wonderful dessert to follow, which ensured no one was able to run home!!

A great start to the social food calendar.

Spring Buffet in St Neots Conservative Club pn Wed 27 Mar 2019


February saw the reintroduction of the Club ten pin bowling event after a period of absence from the social programme.  The event was held at the Eat-n-Bowl in St Neots on Tuesday 23rd April. Those attending had the luxury of a private room with lanes and also a light buffet to sustain them during the contest.  The Social Secretary managed to find the Club Bowling Trophy (probably in a dusty corner somewhere – although it looked very shiny) which was hotly contested and eventually was won by our immediate past presidents wife.  She was duly rewarded by being presented with the trophy, suitably engraved at the Anniversary Lunch.



May started on a high with the Clubs 47th Anniversary Lunch on Wednesday 1st May, held in the Bower Room of the Conservative Club.  77 members (including 6 guests) sat down to a celebration meal (a near culinary catastrophe was averted by Kevin when a key ingredient for the main course was not delivered by the supplier on the morning of the lunch).



Melon & Parma ham
Diced melon, chopped Parma ham Drizzled with Raspberry Coulis)

Main Course

Fillet of Chicken

Stuffed with fresh Asparagus & Pesto

(Drizzled with Pesto and White Wine sauce)


Pear crumble
Homemade Pear crumble served with hot custard)




Our main function for June was the Strawberry Tea which saw a change of venue to Waresley Garden Centre.

Members and their partners duly gathered on Wednesday 26 June for the seasonal fare and the consensus was that the venue and food were better than in 2018 and that it would be in the Social Programme for 2020.


This month saw members and partners again enjoying the delights of the annual Hog Roast at Roxton Garden Centre.

John the hog master produced another superb specimen for those present to devour with suitable accompaniments provided by the staff at Roxton.

Another great success and judging by how little was left at the end of the day everyone went home replete!!


The club paid a visit to Bletchley Park the home of the WW2 codebreakers.  There was a guided tour of the grounds and then it was time for those attending to have a spot of lunch before exploring the house, the various huts and exhibits.  It was an extremely interesting visit with information that many had not previously heard about.  The various grants that Bletchley have received has enabled them to make a real difference in preserving the site for the future.


The club held its annual Autumn Carvery in the Bower Room of the St Neots Conservative Club, which has new caterers.

68 members and partners sat down to a very enjoyable carvery provided by Jackie and her staff, there was a slight delay when the electrics went off just as the food was being prepared. However, all was well and the following menu was consumed.






Steak & Ale Pie

Vegetable Pasta Bake (V)

Selection of Seasonal Vegetables

Roast & New Potatoes


Fruit Salad with Ice Cream or Cream (V)

Coffee and Tea















The club held its annual Christmas Lunch in the Bower Room of the Conservative Club on Wednesday 4 December when 74 members and partners sat down to a traditional Christmas Menu served by Jackie and her crew.



















































































The final event of 2019 was the Christmas Coffee Morning attended by 50 members and partners.  The usual tradition was followed, with members of the Committee, suitably attired serving coffee and mince pies to those present. A very pleasant way to end the year.

The Committee service being supervised by the President

Treasurer and his assistant looking very happy with the money collected


Members enjoying coffee and mince pies