St Neots Social Events 2021


Friendly, Like-minded and Local”

Club Secretary Contact:



Due to Covid-19 restrictions there were no social events during the above period


Wednesday 1 September saw 35 members of the Club hold their first lunch after moving to the St Neots Rugby Football Club.  Members attending were greeted by the President of the St Neots Rugby Football Club, David Christy who hoped that we would have a long and happy relationship.

Lunch 1 Sep 21

Lunch 1 Sep 21

Lunch 1 Sep 21


The 27th October saw 39 members and partners gather in the St Neots Rugby Football Club for the Autumn Carvery.

Social Event Social Event Social Event

Social Event

October Function – Autumn Carvery

There was a fine array of food provided by Jackie and her staff on offer – Roast Beef, Roast Turkey and Roast Pork with all the usual vegetables. Dessert was a choice of apple crumble or fresh fruit salad. The usual raffle was held, the profit from which is being used to help subsidise the 50th Birthday celebration of the formation of the Club which is being held at Wyboston Lakes in November 2022.


Peter Plant set up his usual East Anglia Air Ambulance stall selling Christmas Cards and Diaries, which is a great way for us to support this worthwhile charity. 
Social Event


The November lunch attracted 40 members, our best turnout at our new location.  This might have had something to do with the fact that the AGM follows the lunch.

Jackie and her team looked after us all very well with a menu of onion soup, cottage pie, carrots, beans and potatoes followed by jam sponge and custard – there were not many people running home!!

We had two guests at our lunch, Graham Hughes the Treasurer of the St Neots Rugby Football Club (our new venue) and John McLeod on his return to St Neots from his stay in Manchester.

Monthly Lunch

November 2022 Lunch

Monthly Lunch

November 2022 Lunch


President addressing members

After lunch was concluded members got down to the serious business of the AGM our first since 2019. The main item was the amendment to the Constitution to make it gender neutral. There was also the election of officers, presentation of the account to year ending 31 Aug 2020, appointment of the independent examiner. The whole process was handled very efficiently by our President, Bill Musk.

Once we had returned the tables and chairs to the storeroom it was time to head home in the rain.


Our December Christmas Lunch, which replaces our normal monthly lunch and includes partners and guests fell on the very first day of December.

A total of 65 members, partners and guests duly arrived at the St Neots Rugby Football Club (our new home), which had been suitably adorned with festive Christmas trees for the occasion.

Our President welcomed our guests, the President of the St Neots Rotary Club, the Past President of the St Neots Ruby Football Club and his wife and the President of the Sandy Probus Club and his wife.

Jackie and here staff were on had to ensure that we all had a wonderful festive lunch.



Tomato and Herb Soup

Farmhouse Pate

Main Course

Roast Turkey

Vegetable Pasta Bake

Selection of Seasonal Vegetables

Roast Potatoes


Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce

Fruit Salad with Ice Cream or Cream (V)

Tea or Coffee and Mince Pies

Everyone seems to have a good time and there was little left on the plates returning to the kitchen.

After the final toast our President thanked everyone for attending and wished all a safe journey home, a Merry Christmas and all the Best for the New Year.