Chevin – Belper

Club contact: Peter Robinson


Website ;

Chevin (Belper) Probus Club

Moved to the area, just retired or about to, or perhaps at a loose end on a Monday ?  Then why not join our friendly club ?

We are a group of like minded people from many backgrounds and professions, who enjoy meeting for a gossip, listening to interesting and entertaining speakers, then a short business meeting and lunch in the bar if you choose.

We meet on the Third Monday of each month at the Makeney Hotel, Milford, Belper, Derbys, DE56 0RS. We gather at around 10.30 am for coffee and a catch up. The meeting starts at 11.00 am with a professional  interesting speaker entertaining us for 45 to 60 minutes. This is followed by a short meeting and an update on our activities. We then encourage members to retire to the bar for lunch and beverages.

Our speaker and events programme for 2025 is as follows :-


Monday 17th February          –     Deryshire Water and further afield  –  Richard Walsh

Monday 17th March               –     The Strutts and the Belper Mills     –  Jane Whitaker

Monday 14th April                 –      Stela Tandem, a record – breaking ride around the

                                                     World – Laura & Steve Massey – Pugh.

Monday 19th May  (with Wives & Friends)  –           Mary’s Meals      –  Jane Wright

Monday 16th June                 –     National Service                              –  David Widdows

Monday 21st July                  –     I always wanted to be a train Driver – Michael Thacker

Monday 18th August             –     Luncheon with Ladies / Friends, on a River Trent

                                                     Boat Cruise.

Monday 15th September       –      Toast Master Tales                          – Geoffrey Harris

Monday  20th October          –       Annual General Meeting

Monday  17th November       – The Gretna Girls & The Devil’s Porridge – David Skillen

December Christmas luncheon with Wives and Friends – Details to follow.

If you are interested or have any questions please communicate with myself, my contact details are above.

Hope to hear from you soon !!

Regards  – Peter Robinson, Honorary Secretary, Chevin (Belper) Probus Club.