Deben (Woodbridge)

The Deben Probus Club was founded in 1985. Our primary aim is to provide a forum that encourages social contacts and fellowship amongst our members. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 12.30 for 1.00 pm at the Ufford Park Woodbridge Hotel, Golf + Spa – lunch is then followed by a speaker.

We organise a number of events and visits to places of interest each year. Additionally we have a very active walking group.

Our wives/partners join us on our occasions throughout the year. These include at least two monthly lunches, a walk each month, as well as visits to places of national and/or local interest.

Our members generally live locally, most of them in the Woodbridge area. They come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds ranging from electronics and engineering to insurance, retailing, the armed services, and many others. Their interests also include working in the community and supporting local activities.

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We welcome new members and if you would like to join us please contact the Secretary, John Hickling on 01394 460486.