The Didsbury Probus Club invites you to our next scheduled Speaker Meeting on Thursday 6th March.
Venue: Didsbury Baptist Church on the corner of School Lane and Beaver Road opposite Didsbury Metrolink, M20 6SX
Time: We will meet at 10:30 am for tea/coffee and biscuits with the talk starting at 11.00am.
Talk Title English, a curious language – Neil Sheldon
A real mongrel of a language developed from many invading forces, from the Roman occupation onwards. Come and find out how our language evolved and to some degree is still evolving.
Visitors are very welcome. Donations from visitors, to help with our running costs and provision of refreshments, will be very welcome.
Future talks
20th Mar Trafford Park – from stately home to shopping centre – Judy Popley
The history of Trafford Park. How the home of the De-Trafford family since 1017 became the largest industrial estate in the World, vital support during two world wars and finally to become a 300 acre shopping mall.
3rd Apr What’s in a name – John Wallace
This talk will be followed by the AGM
17th Apr The history of the BBC – Frank Vigon
The British Broadcasting Company dates back to 1922. Frank will explore more than 100 years of the BBC, and show how this public corporation developed, also bringing back memories of many of the past forgotten programmes.
1st May Scientists, engineers, mathematicians and medics associated with Didsbury – Diana Leitch
With Didsbury’s close proximity to the educational, academic, medical and manufacturing heartland of Manchester, it became home for many very prominent people in their field. Come and see how many of them you know.
15th May Dementia – curable and/or preventable – Bob Baldwin
A brief introduction about what dementia is and who is at risk. Looking at treatments, new drugs and whether or not they are a breakthrough. Also a discussion about strategies for preventing dementia.
Date for your diary
27th Mar Visit to Longley Lane Waste Recycling Plant
Following our excellent talk on rubbish recycling, we have now arranged a visit to the Longley Lane Plant in Northenden.
The visit will be on Thurs 27 th March 2025, 2-00 to 4-00pm please arrive at least 10 mins before the guided tour at 2-00pm.
Car parking, turn immediately right as you enter the site and proceed to the red brick building by steps from the far end of the the car park, meet on the upper floor.
Note:– This is an industrial site stout shoes or stong trainers or wellies must be worn, no bear legs – long trousers or leggings to be worn. The tour includes walking and climbing stairs.
If anyone has a heart pacemaker, insulin pump, cochlear implant or disability, please let us know.
If transport is required, car sharing can be arranged.
The visit is free, please leave your details at the next meeting or send an email to Mary, with details if transport is required and/or offers of car sharing.
Secretary: Mary Hill
Web: Ian Grant