The PROBUS Club of Huntingdon and St Ives was founded in April 1974.
Our primary aim is to provide opportunities for retired or semi-retired PROfessional and BUSiness men to be in touch with others who are like minded – to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities, at a time in life when it is easy to become complacent and self-centred.
The Club is male members only but we do have a Ladies’ Summer Lunch, Christmas Lunch and a President’s Lunch to which our partners are invited.
Membership is open to all business and professional men aged fifty-five and over who have fully or partially retired, or are twelve months from retirement from their normal business or profession. The restriction regarding age may be waived at the discretion of the Committee.
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month (except January) for a formal lunch.
An annual day outing to a place of interest to which partners and friends may be invited is also considered by the membership.
Members live locally in the towns of St Ives and Huntingdon or in the surrounding villages. They come from a variety of backgrounds, including science and engineering, military services, law and government, sales and marketing, media, education, medicine and music.
Our lunches are held at the Slepe Hall Hotel in St Ives on the first Tuesday of each month commencing 12.30pm for lunch at 1.00pm. Lunch is followed by the business agenda and a raffle, after which we usually have a guest speaker and an opportunity for some discussion.
We are a member of the national group of PROBUS Clubs. However we are autonomous and choose our own rules and programme, and elect our own officers and a committee.