Welcome to Moore and Daresbury Probus Club, the club was founded in 1985 and is a small, friendly social club open to all retired or semi-retired people.
The current membership is all male but we do, on some occasions (speaker events and Christmas events for example), invite ladies to join our meetings. Club activities are purely social all are optional.
New members are very welcome and are invited to attend an initial two meetings as a guest without charge or obligation (small charge for refreshments when we meet in person).
Meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. On the second Wednesday we normally have a social meeting and pub lunch and on the fourth Wednesday we arrange a speaker in the Moore Scout Building in Moore. The Chair, at 10.30 am gives a short resume of club business and then, either introduces the speaker or the we gather socially. Our meetings usually finish about 12 noon. Lunch meetings are held at some of the fine local public houses such as:
- The Red Lion, Moore
- Cat and Lion, Stretton
- Evenwood Farm, Runcorn
- Ring ‘o Bells, Daresbury
- Statham Lodge
COVID 19 Arrangements
We are, at present, unable to meet face to face, due to the current Government Restrictions, however we are conducting a monthly meeting on Zoom.
Members will need a device with a microphone, speaker and camera. An iPad, or laptop with a camera is ideal and some PCs also have the necessary equipment installed. We can assist anyone who is unfamiliar with the program.
We can also arrange for guests to access the Zoom Meetings if necessary.
Speakers Program, Visits and Special Events
The program for speakers for this year has not yet been developed due to our being unable to meet face to face, we are currently trying to establish speaker events using Zoom. The list below show past speakers, visits and special events that we have hosted:
- Pythons, with live specimens
- Claire House Children’s Hospice
- Runcorn Locks Restoration Society
- Burtonwood Museum visit
- Norton Priory Guided Tour
- River Dee Cruise and Lunch
- Annual Christmas Lunch
Should you wish to join us or for an informal chat about membership and the club in general please use the link below:

Pythons and they were live !!!!

Red Lion, Moore

Ring ‘o Bells Daresbury

Evenwood Farm

Statham Lodge

Norton Priory

RAF Burtonwood Museum